Monday 21 February 2022

The ant, the flower and the stone

 A little ant
saw a small flower
spouting from under a stone

The little ant 
moved some dirt
on the other side of the stone

The stone rolled over
and give more space 
to the small flower

The small flower grew
into the most beautiful rose
the little ant ever had seen.

Note by the author:
If pessimists happen to read the story, they may think: "Wasn't the ant crushed by the stone?"😁
The answer: admitted, it was a high risk undertaking but the ant managed to get out of the way before that happened 😀.

Sunday 13 February 2022

Highest potential

Can everyone reach their highest potential of functioning in this world?
Right now, this may be not be possible!
Will it become possible in the future? 
I am a believer of "yes" to that question. We do need however a critical number of people believing in unconditional love and kindness. Right now this simple truth that the highest level of happiness lies in unconditional love and kindness, does not reach the mind of so many people. Not yet.
Let us all think about it thoroughly today:
What is bringing REAL happiness?
Kindness without expectation of any favor return.
How can we practice more of it?
How can we make it a daily part of our life?
How can we spread it to as many others as possible?