Wednesday 28 August 2019

The gift of peace

The tranquillity of the night
touches my heart and mind.
a stillness emerges and
reaches deep inside
connecting to my quiet soul

My soul shines a soft and glowing light
on all emotions and turbulence of the day
I relive them but without the edges
I re-feel them but there are no sharp points
bitterness morphs into softness;
softness transforms into love

The tranquillity of the night
listening to my soul
love and wisdom
the gift of peace

Saturday 24 August 2019

To know or experience

You may know about water, how good it is, how much it can relieve thirst and how clean it can make you. But if we do not drink it or bathe in it, the knowledge does not do us much good.

So is it with God, that amazing creative Power in the universe. We can read about, hear about, believe in God, but as long as we do try to internalize the Wisdom, as long as we do not experience God, and truly live in that supreme Love, we do not truly see, and experience the tremendous Peace, we are mere "knowers", hardly benefiting from this knowledge.

Sometimes I feel the leaders of organized religions pretend they can be the connection between God and their followers, which puts them in a seriously questionable but very powerful position towards those who choose to swallow that way of teaching.

Friday 16 August 2019

Up we go

I get in the lift
I press the button heaven
and up we're going

Imagine that we could do that,
Just step into a lift, press a button, labelled heaven,
and there we go! We go to heaven for a while and
then we may come back
in case we start to miss our earth too much.

I enjoyed the imagination, and I hope you did as well.
The sheer impossibility of it makes it feel a bit nonsensical
Before getting back fully to reality,
please read on, below the picture.

If we imagine what heaven might feel like,
we do think about bliss, peace of mind, peace of heart,
we do think about intense uncompromisable happiness
and love, love, love.

If tomorrow we wake up and step in the lift of the new day,
we can choose to press the button heaven
by choosing a life of unconditional love and giving
by choosing a life of selfless service
by forgiving all our enemies, giving up our grudges
by choosing thankfulness for what we have
by choosing  a day filled with small random acts of kindness
and up we go to a state of bliss and peace and love.
Up we are going

Please now read again the small senryu (a haiku about human nature):
I get out of bed
I choose a life like heaven
and up we're going

When it is so hard to love

When it is so hard to love politicians,
it may be better to read a bit less about politics.

At first sight you may disagree with the above statement but deep inside I feel there is a huge truth behind it. Whenever I, or we, read about politics, we tend to end up hating more one person. These politicians achieve positions of great power, most often not because they have superbly good intentions. They want to be in power, they want to be rich, they want to control. In order to gain control there is a need to get votes and that is where all the promises come. Promises, they know they cannot keep and quite often promises, they have no intention at all to keep. A close call to be in power and for the sake of a coalition all the promises are thrown overboard.

You may think I am too negative about the people in power, but on average their egos are too big, and they refuse to think about what are the consequences of what they do. Democracy has dramatically improved to odds of avoiding tyrannical abuse, but we the people with our voting right, allow ourselves all too often to be manipulated by the psychological warfare against us. Politicians need to have a reason for you to vote for him or her. So they create fear and discord and blow problems out of proportion, to get our support for their cause. Look at what is happening in America at this very moment! But if we look at any other country, we will find politicians using the same tactics and techniques to create division, targeting minorities so the majority can vote for them. They are aware this is extremely dangerous and has led in the past to Nazism and ethnic cleansing, mass criminal activities against a target group, destroying nations, destroying the majority even more than the murdered minority, since the murderous majority will have to live with the crimes committed in the name of their false-politicians-induced-exaggerations.

Somehow, the limitation of democracy is the psychological manipulation of the voters. We are not always voting for who can lead the country best. After the disaster of the presidency of Ronald Reagan who was an actor and destroyed so many families in so many countries in south America and the rest of the world, who gave a real bad name to America, one would think the Americans would have learned their lesson, but no. Another TV personality comes along and wow, wow, wow, is voted into presidency, no matter how troubled his past how full of scandals his financial and personal situation.

Seriously, when I read politics, I tend to lose my peace of mind. And this is similar for world politics as for the local politics. Politicians, the media and their whole machinery can make us hate each other, can make us hate the persons in power.

I have decided to expose myself much less to reading politics. I will follow it from a certain distance. It is too important to ignore politics as a whole, but we do not need a daily dose of it. If I manage to update myself on a weekly basis, through an hour or two of scanning to websites of all sides of the political divide, I tend to get a much better image, get less absorbed and pulled over, and quite often see through the games of politics played by both sides.

If a political article makes you hate some politicians or makes you hate some groups of people, be careful before you let the intended toxic waste into your mind, heart and soul. It is not easy to remain neutral if people use all psychological tricks on us. I sincerely think the answer is to read less of politics, and to guard our mind from toxic waste as we would guard our garden from toxic waste if one was about to dump it there.

The above may seem to you as quite a negative post. And it is true. It is quite negative. So, perhaps now high time to read some very short essays about good things. Here is the link: essays on good things

Sunday 11 August 2019

Let it flow

In the physical world, our heart lets our blood flow;
In our emotional world it lets our love flow
In our intelligence world, it lets inspiration flow
In our spiritual world, it lets our soul shine.

Make a bit of time today
To do away with all obstacles, all sandbanks
Let it flow.
Let love flow freely
Get inspired and inspire
Let our light inside shine.

Please read a bit more about the greatness inside:
Short essays on good things

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Fantastic definition of success

I was looking at a TED talk from a musician, Benjamin Zander,
and he was talking about a definition of success, I had never heard.

I am sure you had guessed already that it was not about material wealth.
That is not a surprise, is it?

But it was also not about being happy or having peace of mind.
He just played a piece of music
and gave a little explanation about it and then played it again.
He moved the audience
And straight after he finished, the audience clapped
and he went close to audience and was clapping harder than anyone in the audience.
He looked a bit like a madman.
But then he explained why he clapped:
Because you were listening.
And there are so many shiny eyes in the audience.
the one who is truly successful he said,
is the one who can surround himself with shiny eyes.

After his explanation, all eyes in his audience were shiny.
My eyes were shiny too.
I was moved by his wisdom more still than by his music.

Listen to a small piece of classical music,
let it move you, let your eyes shine,
then go on with your life and your work
with so much enthusiasm, that the eyes of those around you
shine too.

What a fantastic definition of success!

Monday 5 August 2019

Essays on good things

When I was a bit younger, I really enjoyed reading essays about certain virtues. I had a book written by Sydney W Bremer, containing just that. Whenever I read something, about let's say politeness, it felt good. Of course, I knew that politeness was a virtue worthy of practicing as much as I can, but after reading the essay, I felt the need to be a bit more polite than usual. It was as if the reading of the essay had brought the virtue of politeness, that was sitting somewhere really deep in my consciousness, way back to the surface of my brain, to the surface of my being.

In today's news, I found hundreds of articles on gun violence, hundreds of articles on vicious politicians making the wrong decisions for the people. I think they do it knowingly which makes it worse.

But before this small post becomes yet another piece on all the negative, I want to announce a small initiative of myself: In an attempt to contribute a tiny bit to balance all negativity with some positivity, I started a series of essays on specifically named good things. Sometimes we want to read something very short and inspiring, but more than merely a quote. My first one is a small essay (less than 400 words, less than a full A4 page long) on respect, the origin and true meaning of respect. I hope you enjoy it:
To read it, please click on respect
I have also one on luck
one on nature
one on greatness
one on ideals
one on empathy
and one on openness
and still writing... 😃