Wednesday 7 August 2019

Fantastic definition of success

I was looking at a TED talk from a musician, Benjamin Zander,
and he was talking about a definition of success, I had never heard.

I am sure you had guessed already that it was not about material wealth.
That is not a surprise, is it?

But it was also not about being happy or having peace of mind.
He just played a piece of music
and gave a little explanation about it and then played it again.
He moved the audience
And straight after he finished, the audience clapped
and he went close to audience and was clapping harder than anyone in the audience.
He looked a bit like a madman.
But then he explained why he clapped:
Because you were listening.
And there are so many shiny eyes in the audience.
the one who is truly successful he said,
is the one who can surround himself with shiny eyes.

After his explanation, all eyes in his audience were shiny.
My eyes were shiny too.
I was moved by his wisdom more still than by his music.

Listen to a small piece of classical music,
let it move you, let your eyes shine,
then go on with your life and your work
with so much enthusiasm, that the eyes of those around you
shine too.

What a fantastic definition of success!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you sir for sharing such a heart touching and convincing meaning of success.


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