Thursday 29 October 2020

Happy in the now

The web is filled with messages from the Gurus. "Become great", "manifest your future", "practice the law of attraction" are slogans, we find so often, and a famous person will share how they themselves achieved superb material wealth and spiritual heights and how their life runs smoothly, the universe providing for all their needs. While many of these messages may be well-meant, they come with a price tag. The free videos that want to help you become great end with a message, directing you to a course with a huge price tag, but now you can purchase at a great discount.

In the past few years I have read and looked at quite some of the successful people sharing their own formula on how they reached success. I am sure that many people following them, create huge dreams for themselves, but no matter how meticulous they follow formulas of success gurus, for a majority it may not work.

While it is a reasonable thing to aim high in our life and to aim in the long term for greatness, let us not get lost in the standards social media try to push down our throats. I think positive thinking and a positive attitude towards life can make a significant difference in quality of life. But we have to use the wisdom of the ages, not to be happy in a far away future when we think we will be rich and famous, but we need to apply some simple wisdom to our current life and try to happy in the here and now. 

The most valuable experience of the successful and the 'great' is before they were famous and to read about their road to success is very interesting. Not everyone doing exactly the same at different times will get successful. We read about the start-ups in a garage. They were indeed brilliant people doing the right thing at the right time in the right environment. The right time and right environment are essential ingredients of their success. As long as we see these stories as a source of inspiration to be creative ourselves in our own situation, they can be helpful. If these stories create a huge desire to become enormously rich in a short time, making us unhappy as long we did not achieve that, they work against us.

I have followed some people like Wayne Dyer. He was a very successful psychologist who published a fantastic first book, that sold millions of copies and helped people throughout the world. Then he was famous. I loved to read some of his subsequent books as well. They contained true gems of wisdom. After his first book however he had given up his professor post at a university and his private practice as a psychologist. He was famous and over the years he gathered the experiences of a famous author. While I admire the strong principles he adhered to, somehow it is easy to get a bit derailed if he no longer can tap the main source of wisdom, which was for him his professional experiences as a psychologist and university teacher. When one leads a life of fame, it is easy to assume that your own experience is what others experience too and his later books about real magic and his experiences with John of God were a bit off. In the later part of his life, he claimed that all of us are "God" and that we can manifest in our life whatever we want, and he turned a bit his back to classical medicine.

What is the message I want to share here for simple people like myself who did not (yet) achieve that status of the famous? Surely reading the books of the famous, looking at their videos, is a good idea. The main thing is to keep our own wisdom-filter active and select only what is really valuable to ourselves. We try things our own way, keep our guard a bit against the overly magic things and keep our desire to become great our dreams, our ideals alive.

While keeping all these lofty aspirations alive in a small corner of our being, we remain focused on our desire to be good. We do not have to be good all the time, and it is best to be aware that being good is not an "all or nothing". We can be a bit good and enjoy a bit the peace it brings, we can practice and enjoy the moderate levels and at other times we manage to be really very good and enjoy the big peace of mind. The more we become aware that goodness is associated with peace and happiness, the better we may become at it. And even if we do not become famous and super rich, we will contribute in our own ways to a better world.


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Sunday 18 October 2020


EMpathy is primary using your
IMagination to think and feel
INside your own mind and heart what someone else feels
INside their own mind and heart.

The above explains the title EM IM ----> IN IN

If we practice empathy regularly, we are accessing one of the biggest gifts of our Universe to humans. It is such a great tool to understand our world, our fellow human beings better, to become more patient and more kind, more loving, more forgiving. It is such a great tool to obtain more peace of mind not only for ourselves but also to help attain this to others. It is such a great tool to live a happier and more fulfilling life. 

Empathy requires imagination and the more we practice our own imagination, the stronger it becomes. I encourage everyone to practice every day imagining something very nice happening in this world, that would change it forever. It will boost your own sense of gratitude and peace and who knows, if enough people imagine daily something very nice to happen to the world, it may become a reality sooner rather than later :) 😃😊
I wrote a small poem on how my mom taught me empathy. You can enjoy it by clicking here

Saturday 17 October 2020

Kindness tree

I was reading some old blog posts and more than 5 years ago,
this poem*about a kindness tree was written:

Let us together imagine that such a tree is growing,
taking roots in your heart and in my heart,
and then forming one stem and a magnificent crown;
taking roots in another 10 people's heart,
and still forming one big virtual stem and a superbly big crown;
taking roots in a million people's heart,
and still forming one virtual huge stem with a huge crown.

all of us contributing nutrients to that wonderful virtual tree
that keeps us all connected 
and makes this world the most beautiful place in the universe.

Let us strengthen the roots of that tree in our own heart today
and nourish the kindness tree of the world everyday a bit more

the fruits of chronic happiness and peace of mind...

*click on the word poem to see the poem in its original version.


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Saturday 3 October 2020

A voice call

 I have an auntie who is 86 years old. 
She used to be very active, go for walks,
ride her bicycle and enjoy her car.

After a few incidents of minor strokes,
she had to give up her car and her bicycle.
She can only go to walk if a person accompanies her

Yesterday, in the evening, I thought about my day
and I had not done extra things to make others smile.

I gave a voice call to her phone (she is not used to video calls)
And I could hear her voice, in the beginning quite down,
but after a while I could HEAR her smile. 

A simple kindness idea: give a call to someone who will smile hearing you.

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Thursday 1 October 2020

When we pray for love

When we pray for love,...

Let us become aware that God's love is always with us
in a steady, constant very high level.
Let us tune in.


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