Saturday 3 October 2020

A voice call

 I have an auntie who is 86 years old. 
She used to be very active, go for walks,
ride her bicycle and enjoy her car.

After a few incidents of minor strokes,
she had to give up her car and her bicycle.
She can only go to walk if a person accompanies her

Yesterday, in the evening, I thought about my day
and I had not done extra things to make others smile.

I gave a voice call to her phone (she is not used to video calls)
And I could hear her voice, in the beginning quite down,
but after a while I could HEAR her smile. 

A simple kindness idea: give a call to someone who will smile hearing you.

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  1. I liked it so much..... It's a great one, and so cool..😊😊😊😊😊😊

  2. I really like your take on the issue. I now have a clear idea on what this matter is all about.. online speech to text


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