Wednesday 14 August 2024

Sell your cleverness...


Sell your cleverness; buy bewilderment- Rumi-

You know what I did today in my car? Usually I listen to some music or to an uplifting audio-book, but today I decided to do something different:

I imagined that in my car there was an ocean of peace and on every oncoming car or motorcycle I poured a bucket of peace. It was fun. I poured the peace and said out loud: here is a bucket of peace for you. In my imagination the peace flowed all over the front windows into the cars. While standing in front of a traffic light, I pulled a bucket out of the ocean of harmony too and poured it over a few drivers who had already received my buckets of peace. I kept pouring buckets of peace and harmony until I reached my workplace. When I reached, I felt so filled with peace and harmony, more than ever before. It had one of the most pleasant rides to my work and I felt good about it. :)

Sell your cleverness; buy bewilderment- Rumi-


Tuesday 6 August 2024

Dawn is near

 When we think a positive thought
a little light is shining.
When we give a small compliment
a little light is shining.
When we share a bit of love
a little light is shining.

As we become more positive,
more friendly, more loving,
the light will get brighter,
and soon the night will be over.