Saturday 1 May 2021

Seeing the miracle, even in the middle of a pandemic

All of our life is a miracle. 
Think about it. Be aware of it. Enjoy the miracle.

Somewhere, not far from where you are 
at this very moment a flower is budding, 
another one is blooming 
and a tree is blossoming. 

Oh my God, let us see the miracle of life
All our life is a miracle

Our lungs taking up oxygen
Our food being processed and
being made into a human
Our brain thinking about this all

Oh my God, let us see the miracle of life 
All of life is a miracle

Even if we are in the middle of a pandemic and our governments try to control it in ways we do not agree with, let us still live our life, aware that all of life is a miracle. We do not have to accept the fear, fear mongers want to induce. It makes sense to take precautions not to get severely infected, but let it not affect our positive outlook on life. 

If we cannot go to schools or on vacation, this may be an opportunity to truly enjoy the beauty of the skies that show up early in the morning, to look at and take every opportunity to help the people living around us, to love and be kind, to think deeply, to relax in nature and pray, to envision a life of beauty of love for everyone. 

It may be an opportunity to write a short story or a novel. Or some poetry. To listen to our favorite music and maybe explore genres of  art that were up to now unknown to us. 
It may be.... I am sure can fill up so many more ideas about positives that the lockdown may bring with it, as long as we just take the effort to think some positive thoughts. 
No matter what happens around us, the world is filled with so many miracles. 
Let us be fully aware of that giant truth, now, in the next minute, the next hour, the next day, the next week.

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