Sunday 27 June 2021

Truly Alive

A quote: 
"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures" by Thornton Wilder

I read the above quote in a chicken soup for the soul book on random acts of kindness. It is filled with heart warming stories of strangers doing just a simple small random kind act and making a huge difference for the person that was on the receiving end. 

I feel there is so much wisdom in the quote. 

Tonight I went outside for awhile to see the moon reflecting in the water of the sea. I was on the beach and a few Casuarina trees were giving extra shadows and frames to the extreme beauty of the moon and its giant reflection in the sea. My heart was conscious of a superb treasure and I felt like becoming truly alive. 

I thought for awhile and became so grateful to the universe for the gift of eyesight. 

I thought for awhile longer and a sense of gratitude for so many other things flooded my heart and mind. It is when we are conscious of so many treasures that our soul comes to the surface and makes us feel like we are truly, truly alive. 


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