Sunday 26 September 2021

The key

"Imagine a man, born with a heart full of kindness 
but it is hidden under a mountain of greed.
He has something within 
of more worth 
than all gold on earth, 
but he is not rich" 
                               Aufie Zophy


Today, I envision a world, where all of us are aware that kindness is the key, the golden key to happiness. I envision a world where each and every person will value his own innate happiness so much and generate more of it through kindness. Whenever we move away from that kind way that flows out of an inexhaustible stream coming out of our heart, there will be one word we tell ourselves, that can jolt us back to that road where the stream of kindness flows. That one word will be used by all of the humans on earth and if we hear it from a friend it will move our heart and we will let kindness flow. If we meet a friend who got a bit lost, a bit away from the stream of kindness, we can just utter the word and move him back to creative kindness, that will bring both you and your friend back to that innate happiness generated by kindness...

                Let us choose a word right now and start to use it within our inner circle of friends first. Let the word be WEMA, Swahili for kindness.

                If tomorrow you feel like anger is rising, or you feel like you are not kind enough, simply say to yourself "Wema", say it aloud and allow it to be a clue to become a bit kinder. If your friend is a bit angry, just say "Wema". The friend may ask what you just said and you can share its meaning and encourage him to tell you just "Wema", if he or she feels you need to be a bit kinder.

                Can this work? Sure it can. Let us start and multiply kindness now. Let us start to use the use code word, and make WEMA or KINDNESS the norm rather than something exceptional in this wonderful world. :) 😀

I love the word WEMA, it has "we" that stands for togetherness and it has "ma" a word for mother used all over the world, our mom, the supreme symbol of loving kindness.

We for togetherness
Ma for motherly love
Wema for ever flowing kindness

If you feel a bit angry
Let WEMA enter your thoughts
and instantly become a bit kinder

If a friend is a bit nasty
tell him just the word WEMA 
and explain what it means

Ask your friends to just say WEMA
if they think a bit of kindness
is what you need

Wema, that little word
full of power
meaning kindness in Swahili.

Let us use it forever
every day, forever.

                                                 Aufie Zophy

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