Sunday, 29 October 2023

Sometimes, I feel alone

Sometimes I feel incredibly alone in this world. Have you ever felt like that too? About an hour ago, I really felt like that. Even though it was after ten p.m, I went outside, made a short walk in the garden and took a few deep breaths. I watched the moon, I felt the breeze, I saw the trees. They were alone too.It made the feeling of being incredibly alone a bit more bearable but it did not change its intensity. 

Then I came inside and decided I needed to think for awhile about myself, about these feelings. My attention drifted to a book that just lied there on the coffee table of our living room. I opened the book at a random page, close to the middle. and soon was reading the prayer of Francis of Assisi. 

 I remembered how once this little prayer had affected my life. I drifted off in memories of how the simple decision to focus on giving love rather than on the love that I received, made an enormous difference in my life. 

 I remembered how the simple decision to try to understand rather than to be understood, made a huge difference in my life.

 These memories made the feeling of being incredibly alone crumble slowly but definitely. 

 I could see the big space in my heart where all the love in the world was stored, I could see the big space in my mind where gratefulness was abundant

Have you felt like that as well?

I think the words of that prayer carry so much wisdom, so much kindness, that it is worth reading them again and for every human on this planet to discover how much these words, these ideas can mean to all of us.  

I wish you lots of love, and if feelings of loneliness enter your heart, do not let them bring you down, but search for the message they want you to learn.  


I hope the above reflection brings you a bit in a poetic mood.
Please enjoy the following wonderful poem from Aufie Zophy: 

The most beautiful poems of Aufie Zophy are on this site: 


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