Please enjoy, from almost absurd, to quite common, to very common, but all the same...
The first story
Magnus was a guy and his hair was quite long. It had grown longer than his forehead and quite often it hung in front of his eyes. He wanted his hair to be cut but did not have any money on him. He passed by a barber shop and recognized his friend inside, busy cutting hair. He went inside and explained his own lack of money, while he really wanted a hair cut. His friend agreed to cut his hair for free. He asked Janus to sit in the chair in front the mirror. But Janus did not agree to sit there. He said: "I have not time to sit in that chair". He went out of the shop and his hair was still hanging in front of his eyes.
The second story
Marcus had developed a lot of pain in the left of part of his lower abdomen. It radiated to his back. He went to the doctor who examined his closely, did some tests. The doctor made his diagnosis and advised Marcus to do ten minutes per day a specific type of exercise and take some medication. Marcus went back and had no time for exercise and forgot most of the time to take the medication. Marcus continued to have pain.
The third story
Marius had a big problem. His problem was not physical but more on the psychological/spiritual level. Lately he had felt depressed and he easily lost his temper, much more frequently than before. He started praying to Our Creator, saying meticulously all words of a prayer he had memorized during his childhood. The Creator wanted to help but as soon He wanted to send some new positive and creative thoughts to Marius, Marius was busy playing with his phone. His problems were not solved
If we want our hair cut, we have to make some time for it😀
If we want to benefit from a doctor's visit, we better listen to and comply with the advice given😀
When we pray, we want to use our mind and mean from the bottom of our heart what we say. Then we make it silent within and enjoy the good feelings that flow in our heart, the great ideas that flow in our mind😀
Lots of love and peace, wishing you a superb hairstyle, amazing health and a wonderful prayer🫶