Saturday, 8 March 2025

Unconditional love wins


There was a girl, named Rabia
Captured by vicious men
Sold as slave at a very tender age
Imagine, if you can

Work was tough
Hard, early until late, every day
The master was rough
Bad temper was his way

The master came home quite late one night
He could hear from Rabia’s room some noise
He was concerned, went nearer
It was a whispering voice

He was curious to whom his servant
Would still talk to so late at night
He went to the window to see
And could not believe the sight

The girl he treated rough and hard
Was sitting there to pray
Asking blessings for her master
From the Creator of night and day.

Through his heart, a remorseful wave:
Who was he to treat this saintly girl as slave
He set Rabia from slavehood free
A true saint, she went on to be


I am sure you will enjoy some of my other online treasures as well:
 - Inspirational and motivational poems (I have written them under the pen name of Aufie Zophy)
- Beautiful skies seen by Hans:
- Beautiful flowers:
- Two fables and a short story (my own favorite is 'Sammy and Alice')

- Inspirational quotes:
- Very short essays about simple good things:
 Small prayers for this big world:


Saturday, 1 March 2025

Those moments

Connecting to the deepest self within, to the soul, not rarely  results in sudden enriching insights. How do I wish that these moments of connection would occur more frequent. But it are these moments that give us hope in a world that seems sometimes quite hostile to peace.

Let us celebrate our own soul moments and try to connect more often. 

Life becomes more interesting when we manage to listen to our soul

Friday, 28 February 2025

Crazy times

We do live in crazy times

Who could have imagined in the mid eighties that forty years later we would  have European leaders wanting war, not peace. Who would have anticipated that a huge number of Western citizens do not only tolerate but support the war rhetoric of their politicians who have apparently successfully through a series of wicked lies instilled a senseless fear in a majority of people? Who would have thought that the threat of a nuclear war in the 2020's would be greater than ever before? Who would have anticipated that a large group of people support the vast destruction happening in the middle east?

When I silently pray for some insights about the reason for all these things, I am often a bit at a loss. But at moments of a strong faith, I got a vision, an insight that our Creator will not allow the senseless destruction of our whole world. The cruelties happening now, images and all evil talk being recorded, will serve somehow as a strong reminder of how dangerous it can become if we allow greed to reign. I am quite convinced that that the greed of the "super-mighty" may implode as a cancer destroying a body from within. I am quite convinced that a person with super authority will arise ( a bit like Hitler could arise in Germany, creating monsters out of previously normal Germans), that will be able to convince and transform our society not into monsters but into "angels", who value kindness, honesty, unconditional love, real progress, helpfulness and all good things. 

You may feel that I am overly optimistic and hopeful for the world but to me that is the one thing that makes most sense. 

Do you agree or disagree? Please let us discuss it in the comments section of this post.

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

A smile

 I was just reading this nice quote:

Be the reason someone smiles
Be the reason someone feels loved
And believes in the goodness of people 
(R Bennet)

Nice quote, isn't it?

It brought me a bit closer to the path of our Creator, that path that invariably leads to true peace, joy and happiness :)

Monday, 13 January 2025

The birth of love

 We are all pregnant
with that inner desire
to do good things

Then we perform
a simple useful service
and love is born

And with love, joy
and feeling good
and peace of mind

Every time we do
an act of useful service
another bit of love is born

and another bit of joy
and another bit of feeling good
and another bit of peace of mind

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Mother's day

If your mom is still alive, give her a lovely call. Dig up a great memory, tell her how much you love her.

Today is mother's day.

Tomorrow is mother's day.

In a year, there are 365 mother's days 😀🥰

Friday, 3 January 2025

Making a bit of time

Please enjoy, from almost absurd, to quite common, to very common, but all the same...

The first story 

Magnus was a guy and his hair was quite long. It had grown longer than his forehead and quite often it hung in front of his eyes. He wanted his hair to be cut but did not have any money on him. He passed by a barber shop and recognized his friend inside, busy cutting hair. He went inside and explained his own lack of money, while he really wanted a hair cut. His friend agreed to cut his hair for free. He asked Janus to sit in the chair in front the mirror. But Janus did not agree to sit there. He said: "I have not time to sit in that chair". He went out of the shop and his hair was still hanging in  front of his eyes.

The second story
Marcus had developed a lot of pain in the left of part of his lower abdomen. It radiated to his back.  He went to the doctor who examined his closely, did some tests. The doctor made his diagnosis and advised Marcus to do ten minutes per day a specific type of exercise  and take some medication. Marcus went back and had no time for exercise and forgot most of the time to take the medication. Marcus continued to have pain. 

The third story
Marius had a big problem. His problem was not physical but more on the psychological/spiritual level. Lately he had felt depressed and he easily lost his temper, much more frequently than before. He started praying to Our Creator, saying meticulously all words of a prayer he had memorized during his childhood. The Creator wanted to help but as soon He wanted to send some new positive  and creative thoughts to Marius, Marius was busy playing with his phone. His problems were not solved


If we want our hair cut, we have to make some time for it😀
If we want to benefit from a doctor's visit, we better listen to and comply with the advice given😀
When we pray, we want to use our mind and mean from the bottom of our heart what we say. Then we make it silent within and enjoy the good feelings that flow in our heart, the great ideas that flow in our mind😀

Lots of love and peace, wishing you a superb hairstyle, amazing health and a wonderful prayer🫶