Friday, 28 February 2025

Crazy times

We do live in crazy times

Who could have imagined in the mid eighties that forty years later we would  have European leaders wanting war, not peace. Who would have anticipated that a huge number of Western citizens do not only tolerate but support the war rhetoric of their politicians who have apparently successfully through a series of wicked lies instilled a senseless fear in a majority of people? Who would have thought that the threat of a nuclear war in the 2020's would be greater than ever before? Who would have anticipated that a large group of people support the vast destruction happening in the middle east?

When I silently pray for some insights about the reason for all these things, I am often a bit at a loss. But at moments of a strong faith, I got a vision, an insight that our Creator will not allow the senseless destruction of our whole world. The cruelties happening now, images and all evil talk being recorded, will serve somehow as a strong reminder of how dangerous it can become if we allow greed to reign. I am quite convinced that that the greed of the "super-mighty" may implode as a cancer destroying a body from within. I am quite convinced that a person with super authority will arise ( a bit like Hitler could arise in Germany, creating monsters out of previously normal Germans), that will be able to convince and transform our society not into monsters but into "angels", who value kindness, honesty, unconditional love, real progress, helpfulness and all good things. 

You may feel that I am overly optimistic and hopeful for the world but to me that is the one thing that makes most sense. 

Do you agree or disagree? Please let us discuss it in the comments section of this post.

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