Wednesday 22 January 2020

The Best Farmer

I came across a verse (34) of the Tao Te Ching,
a Chinese book filled with a lot of wise sayings.
In summary, I think it tried to express the following: 

The endless creative power in the universe,
the power, the energy, many of us call God,
is everywhere, and everyone and everything depends on It.
But It does not make claims for itself, It does not take possession
It does not dominate.

Some of these concepts sound a bit abstract,
but they tend to carry important lessons for us.
It is always nice to put these concepts in story format,
so even the youths may benefit from these bits of wisdom.
A simple story I could come up with,
was the following, about a farmer:

 In a faraway land, there was a farmer,
the best farmer in the world.

He was the only farmer in his country,
providing food for everyone living there.
He did not make any claims;
He did not try to get privileges;
He surely could be in control,
but did not dominate;
did not try to abuse his position.

No one else was interested in farming,
except his only one apprentice.
He taught him the skills and tricks of farming,
but above all, not to make any claims for himself
and perhaps,
the latter was the most important thing he taught him!
He went on and passed this to all humans who were open to it.

What do you think about this?
Please share your thoughts in the comments.
Please read also my other postings.
Not all are as complexπŸ˜‰πŸ˜€ as this one. :)

If you found a few drops of inspiration 
If you felt good while reading this blog
Please do not hesitate to share the feelings, the inspiration with your family and friends
There is no copyright. No issues. (just will grateful if you attach my name as an author).
Same goes for my poems, I wrote under the author name Aufie Zophy.
A selection of the poems is found by clicking
 Other blogs and sites from my hand: Inspirational quotes
Small prayers for a big world

Dutch version of some of my posts: Juweeltjes voor de ziel


  1. Thank you for the nice sharing.
    This is my first time to read abt this full verse completely.

    The verse is very meaningful.

    'It' may refer to the endless creative power (or God) which present all over everywhere naturally in the universe.

    'It' may also refer to the law of universe

    Everything in the universe rely on 'It/Him' for existance,
    but 'It/He' never avoid from taking up any of all these tasks or neglect anything in the universe.

    It does not make claims for its greatness

    It does not take possession

    It does not dominate

    It is so humble that it remain so tiny n unnoticed

    It is so tolarable that It can contain all things and thus makes itself extremely vast...


  2. Your story of farmer reminds me of a Greek proverb,
    "A society grows great when men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in"


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Do you agree, do you disagree, please comment...