Friday 26 November 2021

What a power!

I was thinking this morning. 
I was thinking this morning, about all my problems, about a busy week ahead. But then the sounds of nature in the early morning reached my ears and were touching my heart. And I chose to put all thoughts of the challenges and problems in my life aside for awhile and simply become aware of the beauty of the natural sounds that color the peace of the early morning.
We were endowed with, we were given the power to think. Not only the power to think, but at any moment in time we have the power to choose what we are thinking about. We can just decide to put our worries aside for now and get focused on the peace that surrounds us early in the morning, on the silence, on the lovely natural sounds from an awaking nature in our garden. 

What a power! What a great gift of nature, we humans received! 
It may be only us, humans who have this gift.

But how often do we use this enormously big gift? I have been guilty of living days after days, just focusing on the daily routines, without taking time to make use of this power to free our mind of all the things that bother us, and just become fully aware for a few moments of the wonderful peace that is ours almost every morning, every night. I have been guilty of not making time to notice the beauty that surrounds us. If we just look in the morning at the sky or some trees, and free our mind of our daily thoughts, we can enjoy the beauty of nature, the beauty of the birds. We simply have the power to do that, but so often we do not use it for days and days in a row. 

I have been guilty of not appreciating this power to choose our thoughts, when it comes to appreciating the love that surrounds us, when it comes to simple opportunities to be kind. How often I passed the beggar, hardly noticing him or her, because I was too absorbed in my daily routine of being busy with work and problems?
We have the POWER to think, the power to choose our thoughts. Let us be fully aware of that and make full use of it to create a life that contains enough peace, beauty and love for us to enjoy life. 
Let us not blur this power by the use of things like alcohol, or other mind altering  substances. Simply making time for peace, love and beauty is the true source of happiness. Happiness, true happiness is never found in the use of mind altering substances.


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