Tuesday, 18 June 2019

How clever!

How superbly clever must our Creator have been,
to create world with so many different people,
so many cultures, so many religions,
so many opinions, so many talents
so many perceptions, so many convictions,
so many faiths, so many people who are each
so extremely unique!

How could anyone of us experience any growth,
any spiritual growth, emotional growth,
personality growth, character growth,
if we would all be the same, think the same,
feel the same, believe the same!

How superbly clever must our Creator have been!
How exciting is the eternal search of humans
for the Truth with capital T?
How superb is the feeling of discovering ancient text
that said some things you felt for a long time already?

Let us today celebrate our many differences,
see the world as our biggest possible school
We can learn from/respect all our brothers and sisters.
Enjoy the differences between you and your family members,
the differences between you and your neighbors and friends,
the differences between  you and your colleagues
the differences between you and all other people.

How unwise still are so many people
who lock themselves up in one single creed,
condemning to hell all people who think differently;

who refuse to even access the huge wealth of wisdom
found in nature, found in our own soul, found in the whole world.
If our faith is strong enough no need to be afraid of pluralism.
Pluralism is richness that can enhance your faith, ensure your continued growth.

Listening to others, reading widely,  will help us understand, respect.
Of course we do not absorb all ideas offered in all we read or from whomever we meet.
We think, we critically analyse, keep our own faith, but increase our understanding and respect.

Let us today all benefit from our Creator's cleverness and
open up to the whole world!

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