Monday 27 August 2018

Flower power 2

I am not sure if the younger ones are familiar with the term, Flower Power.
It was a movement filled with wonderful ideals and artistic expressions.
It started in the late sixties and went on through the early seventies.

It went under because of its sad and unwise association with drugs and substance abuse.
Certainly the men in power felt threatened by a surge of ideals, as much then as now.
The crazy idea that ideals are naive and unrealistic has been successfully coined by those in power.
Somehow those in power are mistaken! Genuinely mistaken that by suppressing ideals (perhaps some of which they had even themselves when they were young) will lead to their own happiness. Wrong! Happiness lies in altruism! Peace of mind lies in altruism, not in the blind accumulation of more and more wealth and power. One day the most powerful will give up their blindness and even if a few of them start to see, truly see, they themselves will find happiness, peace of mind and their power will become true power instead of a web of falsehoods.
I do hope we can see a future of people clinging to ideals like Ghandi, M Luther King Jr and a hand full of others of the brightest people ever living on this earth, were doing. Combining ideals with wisdom, is the way forward.

Our world NOW, needs wonderful ideas and their artistic expression more than ever.
Our world NOW, is in for a Flower Power 2, this time with a bit more wisdom planted
in the heart of the movement (not allowing it to be troubled by drugs and free sex)

Let us give power to flowers, 
give power to our ideals, 
give power to our wonderful thoughts 
give power to kindness and peace.

Let us live second wave of flower power,
this time with a superb level of wisdom woven through it all.

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