Wednesday 31 March 2021


Among all things our brain can do, language is among the most fabulous skills. We talk, we write, we listen, we read, we understand.

I write 'big stone' and you understand and most likely see in your imagination a big stone.
My friend talks about a mountain and I can see in my mind a picture of a wonderful mountain.
My cat, your friend's dog cannot do that.

The above examples are simply about names of objects, but we can also communicate about actions (verbs) and about feelings and abstract things. We use language to share all kinds of meaning with each other.

Also our own thinking process depends on language, if we want to search for meaning in something purely for ourselves.

How we use language has a major effect on our own success and being.
The words we use can help others, the words we use can hurt others
the words we use can make others angry or upset, 
or they can make them happy and give them peace of mind. 
Language is something to be really grateful for.
We can always choose our words, our intonation
We have the choice which words we think about. 
I have written quite some time ago a small prayer:

Words of truth
Let them fly and soar
Like a grand eagle in the winds
Gliding with wide open wings
For anyone to adore

Words of goodness
I hope, dream and desire
that they fly and penetrate
in our souls and minds infiltrate
and never tire to inspire

Words of beauty
Let them fly and resonate
With or without the rhyme,
delightful every place and time
From and for the soul they emanate

Words of truth, goodness and beauty
Let them forever fly through the skies
Let them be a pleasure for ears and eyes
for those who want to hear and see
Words of truth, goodness and beauty

Friday 26 March 2021

Actively feeling good

 There are many areas in each of our lives. The big areas include family life, work life, recreational life, health. There are other areas that may be big for some and not so big for others, like spiritual life, time with friends, organizations, activism and perhaps many other areas you can think of.

 Each of us have it quite good in some areas and not so good in other areas. And all too often we get focused and sometimes even consumed by the areas that work out not so well for us. 

 Let us reverse this, today. Let us consider all the areas of our life, big and small. Let us assess quietly in our mind where we are doing really fine. Then try to be grateful for that really fine thing or these really fine things in our life. We need start with focus on the good, in order to be able to improve. Once we enjoy the good vibration we can start thinking about and working on the less good things from a higher perspective. Some times we feel that all areas of our life seem to be messed up. Then we can still think of a gift or talent we have. We are good at doing something. Let us become grateful for that. 

 Once we are thinking at a level above the ordinary, at a level that we feel really good about something, we can find quite easily new and original ways of doing things, seeing things and experiencing things. The trick is not to get consumed by a few negatives. Not to get so focused on what is wrong in life, that we forget what is right. The trick is to take some time alone for thinking. Start by putting all negatives aside for a short while and go over your day, or over yesterday and find the best thing that happened to you. Think about how it came about, how your own special talents or gifts contributed to that moment and feel the goodness of these moments. Feel the gratefulness that automatically will come along. Actively feeling good. 

 Actively feeling good will allow us to tackle problems, see them from a new perspective, do something about things that are under our control, accept those that are not. The hole process is so closely linked to beauty, peace, kindness, love and creativity, that these things will become a more important of your life and from there we work towards more actively feeling good ... :) 😃

a good start may be to read some brief essays about good things:

Saturday 6 March 2021

Let the light come in

    A man was complaining about his decreasing eyesight. The neighbour who was listening to the complaints took a sponge and soap and water and cleaned his windows. The man was elated about his regained eyesight :)
    Too many of us let the windows to our soul get dirty. Perhaps too often we choose one window and close all others. Let the colours come in from all sides. Keep the windows of our soul wide open in all directions. Sometimes we are so afraid of influences that may disturb our core belief. Our soul does know the difference between what is valuable and what not!

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Worth fighting for

    In the current world there are so many things going wrong. Maybe not more goes wrong now than 100 years ago, but the scale of problems tends to be bigger. The deceit is easier spread through our social media, mass media. There are so many things worth fighting against.
Or are there?
    I have learned in the past few months that it is almost impossible to fight against big pharma, with their huge propaganda machines. They can control public opinion in ways no one else can. While a lot of major things that are unjust, unfair are happening in that world of big business, big politics and bit money, the control of public opinion is making them only more powerful.
   While the big money is playing and continuing the game of greed, at a tremendous cost to our nature, to our human population, there is something we can do. First thing is stop being absorbed in the cause that you feel is very much worth fighting against. Stopping to be absorbed by the cause, does not mean to give up the cause. I was absorbed in the past few months in the flabbergasting deception played out by so many companies producing a vaccine and pushing it through regulatory bodies without any long term data. Never in the past decades did we embark on injecting millions of people with a product that has zero long term data. I hope and pray all turns out all right, but if even a small percentage has severe long term problems, we are in for a catastrophe much bigger than the pandemic that provoked this reckless campaign.

  I was so absorbed in the cause to let people know it was a reckless campaign, that it consumed so much of my time, so much of my peace of mind and so much of my happiness. The mega misinformation campaign seems unstoppable. 

   I went to the beach to make sense of all that happened. I reflected and came to the insight that we cannot fight giants with  their own choice of weapons. They have so many psychological tricks to make people believe that what they say makes sense. They make telling what makes really sense seem petty and outlandish. If one dares to doubt the data set generated by a company that has a track record of so many scandals, one is immediately classified as a conspiracy theorist. Simply expressing the doubt makes one end up among the flat-earthers and the likes.

  And still I believe there is a bright future for this world. If we manage to NOT let all flagrant injustices and problems of this world absorb us, we can remain creative in doing good. I have quite a bit of experience in both doing good and doing not so good. I almost never regretted helping someone. I almost always regret if I refuse or avoid to help someone. True peace of mind lies in kindness. 

     I think we have to spread kindness through our actions, through our kind words. We have to remain creative in inspiring others to practice kindness in this big world. I still believe that the universe has a kindness and wisdom revolution brewing. Once it fully unfolds, the powers that currently are, may no longer occupy the position they occupy now. Love and kindness will reign. Greed will be the subject of pity and compassion.
Let us fight for kindness, for love, for all the good things, for reason, for all that brings peace of mind. Let us not get absorbed in fighting against...
In the mean time, we pray that any potential victims of the endless greed of those in power, get through everything unharmed. Let us all pray for the very best together.