Friday 22 November 2019

Morning magic

Just waking up is already like real magic, but then, while still in bed, saying a small prayer in our mind, that just transitioned from peaceful sleep to peaceful wakefulness, is quite miraculous too. 
For breakfast, I had bread, coffee, orange juice and each was tasting divine. 

I spent some time on the beach, yeah, cleaning it, because the sea had returned quite a bit of plastic bottles that had been inadvertently deposited in its water. The clean beach was giving me a good dose of satisfaction and it was as if the sea was smiling. The clouds had hidden the sun for most of the morning, but once I finished the cleaning it came out and shone in the most fantastic way on the waves and the deep sea.

When I think at night about the day that is about to end, most of the time, I think most about the mornings. I am not sure why, but surely the morning hours do have something special.

I wish for you that the next morning will be truly wonderful. :)

Friday 8 November 2019

Seeing with love

This morning was beautiful:
the casuarina trees and coconut trees were displaying a fresh greenness that contrasted with the blue skies behind them and in the blue skies, some scanty white clouds were creating amazing patterns looking like artistic grids.
Seeing this made me thankful,
thankful for the skies
thankful for my eyes.

Perhaps our eyes are the most wonderful gift we received from the universe.
Let us be truly grateful for eyes and see through them with a super loving heart.

If your eyes hunger for some beauty now, I have put pictures of flowers on a moving website: 
and also pictures of beautiful skies, I have seen on a different website:

Saturday 2 November 2019


This morning I really lost my temper for the wrong reason.
Sometimes we have a faulty perception of a situation and get really upset about it.
When we get to know the truth, we can see how we came to the wrong perception,
but in the meantime, we may have been displaying foolishly our anger.

All we can do is apologize after such an event, but we need also to reflect on how to prevent things like this from happening again. Maybe reflection is one of the most important in human life :)

If your mind hungers for some reflection on good things,
I have written some essays on good things, A bit more than a quote
but still very short: 

If your soul longs for something a bit more poetic
something a bit inspirational but still short, you mail like: