Friday 22 November 2019

Morning magic

Just waking up is already like real magic, but then, while still in bed, saying a small prayer in our mind, that just transitioned from peaceful sleep to peaceful wakefulness, is quite miraculous too. 
For breakfast, I had bread, coffee, orange juice and each was tasting divine. 

I spent some time on the beach, yeah, cleaning it, because the sea had returned quite a bit of plastic bottles that had been inadvertently deposited in its water. The clean beach was giving me a good dose of satisfaction and it was as if the sea was smiling. The clouds had hidden the sun for most of the morning, but once I finished the cleaning it came out and shone in the most fantastic way on the waves and the deep sea.

When I think at night about the day that is about to end, most of the time, I think most about the mornings. I am not sure why, but surely the morning hours do have something special.

I wish for you that the next morning will be truly wonderful. :)

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