Sunday 28 June 2020

The Drop and the Ocean

"Give up the drop 
become the ocean"

The quotes of Rumi seem difficult to grasp sometimes upon first reading,
but if we search for what he might have meant, it may become interesting.

The drop may be the pleasure and happiness we tend to pursue on a daily basis:
The extra money, the new phone, the new car, the promotion, the high salaried job,...
These are all sources of pleasure and happiness, but we tend to chase them.
As we chase, they tend to run faster and when finally caught,
we take a close look at them, bask in what we achieved, but when later
we take a closer look at them, our desire has moved to a higher aim.

What would be then the ocean?
If we open our mind and heart for the peace, offered to us by the universe every day, the beauty, and if we tune into the love that sits in our heart and let it flow, these things tend to be endless as the ocean. We can allow ourselves to be immersed in them and they can slowly become part of our personality, our character, we become part of the ocean.

No matter how big our wealth and position may appear to us and our friends, they are mere drops, when compared to the peace of mind, happiness and bliss, lying in the peace, beauty, love and creativity. Let us become aware of the peace and consciously enjoy it, of the beauty and consciously enjoy it. Let us become aware of the love in our heart and let it flow to consciously enjoy it.

Give up the drop
Become the ocean.

Makes so much sense :)


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1 comment:

  1. Superb, makes so much sense!

    Thank you so much for the great sharing!



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