Saturday 15 May 2021

Words, words, words

 It is truly astounding how words may influence our life. Even simply reading a series of words on one topic may affect us in truly unexpected ways. I share here with you an experiment that illustrates that in a fantastic way. 

The experiment 
Participants were asked to perform several tasks testing their IQ. In the first test the task was to rearrange words into a sentence. For example:
men/slowly/old/walk (solution: Old men walk slowly) or:
ride/ teenagers/ bicycles (solution: teenagers ride bicycles
Each participant was asked to solve five of these. 
After the task was completed they were asked to move to another room which was about 5 min walking away from the first room, to perform the second task. The experiment was arranged as such that all words in the sentences of one group of participants were somehow related to old age and slowness and the other group got sentences about young age and speed. The real purpose of the experiment was to measure how long they would take to walk to the next room.   

The participants solving the task receiving the words related to old age were very significantly slower in moving to the next room than the ones who solved the tasks with words relating to young age and speed. 

So, simply reading and rearranging words, can really affect how we function in life!
I have read about this experiment in several books. Each time again, it elevates my awareness of how important to us is the choice of our thoughts, our spoken words and even our written words. 
So, yes positive thinking makes a difference. 
I have made a list for myself of positive words, that I sometimes manage to read (I planned to read them every day but like many good intentions, it did not work out as such). I have shared a list here: 

I have also written a blog with essays about good things: 
I hope you enjoy playing in your mind with words. More exciting than simply reading positive words is trying to find words with similar meaning for words as 'beauty' or 'superbness' and then look up the thesaurus for these words. Here is something like that:

If you like beautiful flowers:

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