Sunday 4 July 2021

A JOY forever

    This afternoon, I got a call from a friend who was a teacher for the disabled. She had dedicated her life to help classes and classes of disabled children to reach their best potential and to live a life of purpose using whatever talent they got. I admire persons like this for what they do. 

Today she called me about her friend. Her friend had delivered a baby in the hospital where I work and was after three days still in the ward because of a problem with her heart. She got a bit depressed about having to spend so long in the ward and also today the docs in charge of her, thought it was not yet safe to let her go home. 

The teacher with her wonderful heart agreed to pay for her friend, so she could get a comfortable room instead of the open ward. I helped a bit to arrange the private service that is available in a wing in our hospital. The teacher went to settle the payments by 6pm and at 8.45 pm I read her message that her friend was still not transferred to the private wing. She had allowed herself to become very upset with the nurses from the public ward for waiting for the next shift to send her friend to the private wing. 

I read a series of her messages on my phone really expressing her disappointment with the nurses who lacked the empathy to arrange a transfer of a depressed mother to a much more comfortable room that was already paid for. I agreed somehow that the nurses were not displaying a high level of empathy with new mom, who experienced feelings of depression. 

    I think we have to be patient a bit. 

Many of us, including the teacher from the (real) story above, have found the humongous joy that lies in caring for others, in helping people, in going the extra mile and doing something a bit out of the ordinary to uplift some of our friends, family or even strangers. At this moment in time, it looks like many other people have not yet discovered this unlimited source of humongous joy.

Let us not become angry with those who are still searching for that source. Let us try to inspire them. Hiding all the good things we do under the pretext of selflessness, humility or modesty will slow down the process of spreading the knowledge of what is the source of the most humongous joy. Let us not cling to unnecessary shyness about the good we do. The news is already full of bad things. Let us spread the good things in our life. This is not boasting, this is not pride; let us make it a point to inspire at least a few others tomorrow. If it was successful, we can repeat it every month or even every week or every day. Imagine how the knowledge will snowball. and how our world will soon be filled with loving kindness, people helping each other and making the extra effort to relieve suffering and increase joy. A humongous JOY 



I started to build "the kindness revolution" website. I will add in poems, essays and RAK. 

Can visit the site via this link:


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