Saturday 18 December 2021

Do I know?

Knowledge is power.
I try to read a bit every day, to gain more knowledge.
It feels good to know more. 
But we cannot allow knowledge to render us arrogant
Arrogance is a sign of ignorance
Arrogance is a sign of extremely limited knowledge.

I just looked at a video from Sadguru. 
While I do not agree 
with quite a number of things he says,
he does share several times some great wisdom.

In that video, he said something like this:

"If you ‘d read all libraries in the world,

You will know something 
But compared to this existence, this life
Still our knowledge is minuscule 
Our ignorance is boundless

If we identify with our ignorance,

We become boundless, limitless 
If we identify with our knowledge 
We become constipated

Constipated means it happens little by little.

And that is how many people live 
They need so much things to happen 
To find a little bit of joy in life
We have too strive, to do so many things 
To find a moment of joy, of ecstasy
If you want to live a life
Drenched with countless ecstasies,
In every cell of your body at any moment, 
we are to embrace our ignorance. 
If we come to terms with our ignorance.
We will pay attention 
If we accept our ignorance 
We will naturally pay more attention"
And this is so true!
No matter how much we read,
let us remain aware that we do not know.
So many explanations, we tend to accept blindly and make it a belief.
It is a curse rather than a blessing. Our believes become convictions
and they will make us disrespect anyone who believes differently.
Our convictions make us fight with each other. 
The key to a happy life, filled with bliss
is to come to terms with the fact that we do not know
We do not even know an atom in its entirety. 
We have no clue what happens 
in the space between the protons and the electrons
Quantum physics, the science, which
NOT a person, fully can grasp, 
may be the thing that rules every process in our cells.
Let us embrace our ignorance
Pay attention 
and do not blindly swallow what big media wants to indoctrinate us with.

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