Saturday 2 February 2019

New physics

When physics moves in this new era of quantum physics, quite a number of physicists start making theories and hypotheses that make no sense. Just yesterday I watched a video about a respected physicist talking about extra dimensions. While the observations discovered in quantum science are exciting and extremely hard to explain, too often, I think, our big internal urge to find quickly explanations for anything, make some of these scientists take really the road of pseudoscience. Perhaps they were looking too much at TV-shows such as the power rangers.

While entertaining all possibilities is a reasonable thing to do, we are extremely far from understanding the universe as it is. The sad thing is that the super-advanced physicists seem not interested in genetics or brain science and vice versa. I could have included in the above sentence so many other branches of science as well. Each is going further and further in their little island and expect to understand how the universe works by becoming experts in one narrow field only.

How many of the visual observations through advanced telescopes are artifacts like the rainbows in our sky are an artifact? Scientists (some of them becoming slowly pseudo-scientists) come up with theories that are sometimes bordering the comical and that are for any sense loving person, much more difficult to accept than the existence of intelligent creative force (called God). An oscillating universe and an intelligent creative force make so much more sense than for example the big bang theory, which is at this moment purely hypothetical (and very non-sensical) but portrayed by many scientists as something proven beyond doubt, which it is ABSOLUTELY NOT! Some scientists believe in trillions of big bangs. I suspect they have banged their own heads a few times too much against the walls of their laboratories :)

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