Friday 10 January 2020

Year with flowers

Husband: "You look so optimistic for 2020. 
What do you think it will bring? 
The world is in such a big mess."
Wife: "I expect it will bring flowers."
Husband: "Yes? How come?"
Wife: "Because I am planting flowers."

  The world is indeed in quite a mess in many places.
But in many more places, the world is still wonderfully beautiful.
Let us plant some seeds, some flower bulbs and small trees.
Let us plants seeds of love, seeds of kindness.
Let us plant seeds of honesty and dedication;
seeds of passionate care and positivity.
Then we can expect the coming year will bring us just that


  1. Nice flowers :)

    Indeed. The flowers n trees stay calm and peaceful regardless how messy the world is..

    I planted a rain tree from a rain tree seed 4 years ago.
    It is 3-story tall now.

    No matter how strong is the storm, it always remains calm;
    it may bend but at the same time it strengthens the roots and grow stronger,
    and blooms when sun shines.

    Lets have faith like a rain tree seed!


  2. To make a hanging flower basket seems a bit overwhelming to some, but this can be a very relaxing hobby. When the baskets are finished you will be proud to display your work of art for everyone to see. You will probably want to begin by choosing just the right basket, unless of course you have already have chosen the flowers. Flori in Cluj Napoca

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