Monday 7 June 2021

Start walking

 A Rumi Quote:
"As you start to walk on the way, the way appears"
Rumi was one of these great poets and a search beyond the obvious meaning in his quotes is always a worthy mental exercise. The obvious meaning seems that even if we do not see how to achieve our goals, once we start acting to achieve them anyhow, ways will appear to reach them.  I love this wisdom and encourage everyone to live by it. 
But upon my second reading of the quote, it did not merely say, as you start to walk, the way will appear. It said: as you start to walk ON THE WAY, the way appears.
All of us are walking on this journey called life. Some of us aimlessly, some of us with a clear aim in front of our eyes. We often see the aims as endpoints but when we reach these points, we go through an initial joy, followed often by a dip. We had imagined the endpoint as a state of permanent bliss, but once we cross the line to achieve the point, we see it is a mere beginning of something much bigger still. 
Now let us build in THE WAY. 
The way is that diamond path. Not just any way. It is the diamond path of kindness, unconditional kindness, unconditional love, unconditional friendliness. It is the diamond path of searching and finding the good in everyone, no longer judging, no longer condemning, just seeing other beings as worthy of reverence and unconditional love. It is the diamond path of grace and forgiveness. It is the diamond path of our Creator. 
As we start to walk on that way, ON THE WAY, we will see the full beauty of it. 

Once you choose the path 
That stunning path of kindness 
You'll see its beauty

Try to imagine 
Unconditional kindness
For all in the world 

Beauty, harmony 
Peace and serendipity 
Will flow in our lives 
No matter how muddy your current path, seems to be, get the courage, get the strength, from some positive thoughts, from a sincere prayer, and start to walk on the path of our Creator. Start to walk on the path and it will show itself in all its grandeur, in all its beauty. Forces in the world may pull you back to the muddy areas at the sides of the path or the swampy areas far away from the path, but once you have walked the path, you will know how wonderful it is, and coming back to it will be easier. The more we walk on path, the more beauty we discover, Start walking on the way and the way will appear. 
To stay on the way, will become our aim. That path leads to true peace, beauty, love and creativity, that will make any of the classical aims easy to grasp. Our classical aims will be ours, but it will be easy to see our next task to reach a place a bit closer and closer and closer to that big creative Power in the Universe, Our Creator, who gave us a heart containing an inexhaustible source of love, kindness and wisdom.  
The little poem in the middle consists of 3 senryus. A senryu is follows the structure of a haiku (5-7-5 syllables) but is about human character, instead of about nature and seasons.

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