Saturday 12 January 2019

Our expectations

A good way to know a bit about quantum physics and all the weird assumptions made
to come to hypotheses that work, is to learn about the double slit experiments.Yesterday, I saw a talk on quantum fields. Sounds more and more difficult but a bit less weird.

The most amazing still of all quantum science is how we can influence the behavior of electrons. If we look at them, expecting them to behave as particles, they behave as particles. If we do not, they behave as waves. Another amazing thing is how electrons apparently can communicate to other electrons, even at huge distances. And then how the trees and all plants make use of quantum mechanics during photo synthesis.

The more we seem to dig into the laws of nature, the more complex they seem and things like free will, once doubted after Newton came up with his laws of physics, now is undoubtedly a thing almost proven. What we think and do has an influence on electrons. What we think and do affects the world around us.

However limited my understanding of all of it, I know that I will choose from hereon to have positive expectations, positive thoughts. On and off we may get disappointments, but expecting the worst and hoping to be pleasantly surprised by positive outcomes makes no longer sense. I expect the best, I think positive thoughts and every bit of thought energy is worth to be put out in this universe of quantum fields. If enough people think thoughts of kindness, that is what we may see happening in our world: our next revolution, our next big step in our evolution, a kindness revolution.

Even without quantum mechanics, it makes so much sense to think kindness, to think the best, to act altruistically. Simple happiness belongs to the wise. Greed is so far away from wisdom, so far away from happiness. Kindness is so close to wisdom, so close to happiness. Let us expect a kindness revolution of enormous proportions. Here a small poem, I wrote many years ago:

Speck of significance

In the universe, a human so small,
Looking just like a speck of dust
But born with a mind and a soul
And able to think, love and trust.
Many think that as a human, just one
Not a positive change can be made, nothing great
What could a good deed selflessly done
Ever mean in a world full of hate?

But if a butterfly in India, flapping its wings
could cause a storm over the Atlantic
Just see how one of the small insignificant things
Can have an effect, so gigantic
Then why would your simple random kind act
Just by chance or by divine intervention
Not snowball and have a huge impact,
Perhaps a kindness revolt of enormous dimension

So in each of our lives we must
Make a choice of incredible importance
Do we want to be just a speck of dust
Or a speck of significance.

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