Saturday 27 July 2019

Eternal peace

Just now I went to visit the wife of a dear friend who died last week.
My friend was a little bit handicapped at his feet even though he could walk.
He was a teacher at a school for disabled children and had truly a golden heart.
I loved him for who he was.

I will not meet him again in this world.
But my memories of him will be alive.

When I came back from his place,
I was in quite a deep and pensive mood.
I had all those negative feelings about death
and about missing him for the rest of my life.
As I thought deeper and deeper about death,
I became a bit less negative.

At some time, at some place, for some people
death may be more of a soft longing than purely a fear.
For some people in big suffering it may come as a relief.
But still it separates us living people from the ones we once loved, liked, cherished.
Death, at the end of my reflection, I wrote a short poem about it:

Robber of life,
Robber of love
Source of fear
Source of soft longing
Bringer of peace
Reliever of pain

Dutch version of some of my post: Juweeltjes voor de ziel
Sister blogs:
Inspirational quotes
Small prayers for a big world
"Big" brother blog (selection of my poems, written under the pen name of Aufie Zophy):

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